Red Pig felt miffed about not being included in the first day at work on Friday, so was keen to explore the surroundings over the weekend. We set out towards the city, taking one of the routes from the map and one that skirted one of the many areas of forest that are included within the town’s boundaries. Red Pig was amazed just how similar the forest areas are to those in NZ; there are small tracks lined with moss, ferns and low bushes amongst the trees. The trees are different of course, not beech or podocarp, but types of fir, oak and silver birch amongst other unidentified species. Apparently the tracks become cross-country ski tracks when the snows arrive (anytime from mid-October onwards). A detour took us up the highest ‘hill’ in Umea to see the flat countryside and the infrastructure for the ski lift, used in winter for those who wish to ski really close to home (or perhaps on the way home from work or school) or for those who cannot travel to the ‘real’ ski fields further to the northwest. Red Pig took in the scenery from vantage point on the skifield sign for those of you with a sharp eye or magnifying glass!
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